Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Presented by Armand D. Lebovits, LCSW, CAC III and John Rymers, LPC, CACIII
MDIC Luncheons
How Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions Affect the Children
by MDIC Admin •
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Presented by Representatives from the Betty Ford Center Colorado Children’s Program
MDIC Luncheons
Panel Discussion of the Current State of Family Affairs in Colorado: How are we dealing with this and where do we go from here? Perspectives from Family Law and Mental Health CFI’s and Former CFI’s
by MDIC Admin •
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 Presented by Dr. Dana Cogan, Susan Elkins, Esq., Patricia Post, Esq., Dr. David Kieffer, and Dr. Edward Budd
MDIC Luncheons
Dangerous Intersections: The Crossroads of Domestic Violence – Divorce – and Criminal Law
by MDIC Admin •
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 Presented by Russel Murray